Ben Ballantyne.

Brand Identity | Motion Graphics | UX/UI Design

I am a detail-oriented professional graphic designer who loves problem-solving and embraces challenges at every opportunity. I specialise in brand identity, motion graphics, print and packaging design. I approach every opportunity with a curious, open mind to think conceptually and move projects from the idea stage to completion. This stems from my passion for creativity through high-end design.

Interesting facts about me

🇦🇺  Born in Brisbane, Australia | 19th January 1999

🎬 Featured in the Student Showcase of 2020 | Blue Stag Cardiff

✅ 1st Class Honours Degree in BA Graphic Design | UWTSD

🎼 I’m a songwriter & musician | Check out my SoundCloud here!

When I'm away from the desk, I often write songs, produce demos, and attend local gigs. I mainly enjoy playing melodic dream-pop chord progressions while experimenting with shoegaze sounds using effect pedals and synthesisers.

Ben Ballantyne.

Brand Identity | Motion Graphics | UX/UI Design

I am a self-motivated and strategic graphic designer who loves problem-solving and embraces challenges at every opportunity. I specialise in visual and brand identity projects, as well as web and motion design that are relevant to the digital art space. I’ve also worked in the physical landscape of design with a desire to preserve the importance of print design.

I approach every opportunity with a curious, open mind to think conceptually and move projects from the idea stage to completion. This stems from my passion for creativity and high-end design.

Interesting facts about me

🇦🇺  Born in Brisbane, Australia | 19th January 1999

🎬 Featured in the Student Showcase of 2020 | Blue Stag Cardiff

✅ 1st Class Honours Degree in BA Graphic Design | UWTSD

🎼 I’m a songwriter & musician | Check out my SoundCloud here!

When I'm away from the desk, I often write songs, produce demos, and attend local gigs. I mainly enjoy playing melodic dream-pop chord progressions while experimenting with shoegaze sounds using effect pedals and synthesizers.

Client Experience

Proudly worked with Roosevelt, Swansea City Council, Marstons Pubs and more.

Since graduating in 2020, I have four years of experience working closely with high-profile clients to help elevate their brand identity as a freelance designer.

The Coach House.

Swansea, Wales | Sept 2023

I was commissioned by Marstons Pubs to create a refreshing visual identity for The Coach House, consisting of new menus, plastic cups, coasters, packaging, loyalty cards, etc.

Evident Agency.

London, UK | April 2023

I was commissioned by Evident Agency to animate their new logo for social media and other media applications.

The Fiends.

Swansea, Wales | Sept 2020 - Oct 2023

I contributed to The Fiends’ success by designing artwork, merch, reels, and music videos, creating a dedicated social media following, earning 100,000+ Spotify Global streams, and signing with Revolver Records.

The Ads Lab.

Melbourne, Australia | Sept 2022

I was commissioned by PDOCS Labs to design a logo and animation for The Ads Labs, an online marketing business that helps clients boost their sales through ads.


Germany | Oct 2020 - May 2021

Always Create commissioned me to design motion graphics, artwork, and tour posters for Roosevelt’s singles and his latest double single release, ‘On My Mind/About U,’ which has over 2 Million Spotify streams.

Lookout Swansea.

Swansea, Wales | May 2020

Commissioned by Rivington Hark to design a logo, animation, and hoarding to create ‘Lookout’, an interactive area as part of the Swansea Phase 1 project approved and used by Rob Stewart, Leader of the Swansea City Council.

Services & Skillset

I specialise in Brand Identity, Motion, UX/UI, Print & Packaging Design and more.


Decision Making

Problem Solving

Team Work




Critical Thinking






After Effects

Premiere Pro



Pro Tools



Design Layout Principles

Colour Theory

Attention To Detail


Animation Principles

Market Research


Motion Design

UX/UI Design

Brand Design

Visual Design

Print Design

Packaging Design

Video Editing

Client Process

I approach every opportunity with a curious, open mind to think conceptually and move projects from the idea stage to completion.


Phase 1

Through the discovery phase, I learn about your business goals, target market, problems, etc., to gain insight into your business needs and determine the scope of the project.


Phase 2

After we discover what your business needs are, I begin further researching the target market and gather inspiration to determine the visual direction of the project that will be shared with the client.


Phase 3

Once I have collated all of my notes and ideas from the discovery and research phase, I move on to the idea-sketch phase of the project. This phase weeds out all the good and bad (and ugly) ideas and narrows the project's visual identity.


Phase 4

After I've done a few sketches of the visual identity, I will move on to bringing the design idea to life digitally. This phase is where the fun begins, as it involves a lot of thought and visual experimentation.


Phase 5

After the design phase, I will pitch the ideas through a one-to-one presentation on call or in person (depending on personal preference). Once we have settled on a direction, I will continue to refine, make adjustments, and present the final idea with mockups and brief brand guidelines.


Phase 6

After the final pitch meeting, I will offer three revisions before sending the files. Any more revision requests will result in £25 per revision. After signing off on the project and sending the files, there will be no more revisions unless there is an error on my part.


"I worked with Ben on a few branding and design projects, he communicates really well, understands the briefs and deliverables and works efficiently to provide ideas and solutions. I really like his ability to come up with new ideas that you would not have thought of. I highly recommend him for any future design and exploration projects."

Christina Banjo - Creative Director, Always Create


"Ben is a highly focused designer with a dedication and creativity that brings results. On his first commission after graduation for Swansea City Council public engagement site 'Lookout,' he was a great collaborative individual to work with, going the extra mile; the results were very well received."

Damian Macpherson - Lookout Creative Director, Rivington Hark


"Ben was very friendly and understood what I was looking for in a rebranding for The Coach House. There was excellent communication throughout the process, and Ben's ideas were very creative and detailed, resulting in the design and branding we were looking for."

Alan Beddows - Area Manager, Marston's Pubs


Have a project? Let's work together.

Do you have a project in mind? Then let's work together! For questions or project inquiries, forward an email to or enter the form box. I look forward to hearing from you.

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